Thursday, April 22, 2010

AGE 1st Annual Science Fair 2010

Mason had his first science fair at school today. He had Magnet Power demonstrating how magnets move things. Chris called it a Rail Gun or the same technology as the Maglev trains or Magnetic Linear Accelerator. Everyone loved it! Interactive so they could all play with it. He got FIRST PLACE with a 3 way tie! And two 2nd place winners. Pretty cute, he is quite the little scientist! He and Dad had so much fun with this and it gathered quite a crowd. In addition to all this fun, it was take a child to work day. Dad said "Mason bounced around Lockheed today with me. Explosions, Nitro man and lots of cool space shwag! He loved it I loved it something like that!"

EASTER 2010!

EASTER!! We drove down to Pueblo, along with Mimi and Papa and had a good ol' egg hunt, goodies, and lots of yummy food. Cousins in order Mason, Kailey, Kiersten, and Lily (missing Celeste). The kids had over 100 eggs to find including golden eggs with $5 bills inside! So much fun!