Thursday, August 14, 2008

Classic fun in a box

OK this is too funny, anyone who really knows Mason, notice in hand: Roar (ol' yellow lion friend) and in other hand: yep, you guessed it, a car or two! But it is a great pic! Happy August!

This summer has been busy!

We have been super busy with birthdays, parties, friends, camping, and outings! Sorry I have not been keeping up with the blog. In addition to all this, we raised our own butterflies at home. We observed the caterpillars, chrysallis, hatching, feeding, and release. A former student and friend Kalynn (14) came to help out and play this summer. She found a snake in the yard the kids took a liking to it. Most recently, we went to Tiny Town for a field trip. Mason and Lily had so much fun going in the "kid sized" buildings and peeking out. Group pic is: Mason, Wyatt, Gavin (good buddies, all 4, born within 2 weeks of each other), Kira and Lily, both 2(3 days apart).

Hope everyone else is having a great summer too!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Cute giveaway

Liz twisted my arm to go to this site...Lily needs hairbows and I am too busy so I am pimpin' my blog. Sorry folks, a mom has gotta do what a mom has gotta do!